
I’ve been stumbling upon a wide variety of promising, and free, Python instruction the past few weeks, something for almost everyone...

This week, a popular coursera introduction to Python begins: Programming for Everybody (Python). There are no pre-requisites, and you can complete the class simply using a web browser, without installing any new software. The recommended reading is freely available here: Python for Informatics.

The Django Girls Tutorial offers absolute beginners an introduction to web development using the Django framework, written in Python.

Anyone who uses a computer can learn to Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. Part 1 introduces complete beginners to programming using Python, while Part 2 should interest even experienced Pythonistas, reviewing automating all kinds of common software, with chapters like "Working with PDF and Word Documents," "Working with Excel Spreadsheets," "Manipulating Images," "Sending Email and Text Messages" and "Web Scraping."

Practical Numerical Methods with Python "is for anyone with mathematical, scientific or engineering backgrounds who wishes to develop a grounding in scientific computing." This online course was developed using IPython Notebook.

And last, for now, a couple of tutorials for building web sites using Python, appropriate for people with at least a little programming and UNIX/Linux command line experience: The Flask Mega-Tutorial from Miguel Grinberg, and Amy Hanlon’s Migrating to GitHub Pages using Pelican (what I used to start this blog).